Curved / Circular Chemtrails

These were taken over Jazzfest, 2016. I have been skywatching since 2003, and have only seen circular trails like this in pictures on the web, so I was very excited to capture these over New Orleans. Interestingly enough, there was a skywriting plane in the area as well, but not when these were taken. These were not made by the advertising plane that is shown, either. These were your typical, high altitude chemtrail planes. To me, this is a ‘smoking gun’ chemtrail photo. If we are to believe these are commercial jetliners leaving contrails, then three of them would have been ordered to turn around, in the exact same location and time. In the age of post 9-11 air control, would this really be allowed to happen? With the potential for collision, right over a mass of hundreds of thousands of people? Madness!

Extras: August 31 – September 6

Documenting more aerosols and bizarre looking clouds, in New Orleans and in Pensacola.

August 31 – September 6

Lots of aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere. Also a few pics taken on the way to Pensacola.

August 17-23

Chemtrail activity this week, the most I’ve seen in a while. Huge chembomb cloud that covered the entire sky. And a cloud being superheated by a haarp installation.

Chem & non-chem plane side by side

This is one of those moments you love as a skywatcher. Clear sky, one chemtrail, and upon closer inspection, another plane trailing at the same speed and apparent height just a little behind it, with no trail. Then I watched (and photographed) as the second plane started spraying. The proof is right in front of everyone’s eyes. You just have to look up.

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Feb 21

One of the most active trail days I have ever witnessed. They were going from morning until into the night. First time seeing this as well, I would see three, four, up to six planes at once laying down grids and triangles. There were 2 fighter jets flying around. Also lots of curved trails, which are becoming less rare. Also a double curved trail, and a near-star shape.



FEB 6 – 365 SKIES

Cold and grey all day up until about 4pm. I notice many of the cold, grey days are like this. Around 4pm you start seeing light blue patches in the sky, then the trails start. Today was one of those days:

Feb 5 – 365 SKIES

Lost of great stuff today. Most notably a fall-streak, and a new formation I have never seen. The entire sky looked like it was covered in filament-like clouds.

Then at sunset, I caught three hooks! Also a very miasma-like sunset, with a “rainbow.”

Jan 31 – 365 Skies

I noticed these elongated clouds rolling in this afternoon.jan31-1

In the opposite direction were these brown clouds off in the distance.jan31-2

Later in the day, this is what the rolling clouds turned into. This pic is looking in the same direction as the other pic. They are moving over head, wave after wave of these clouds just coming in.


Looking in the opposite direction, we see more brown clouds. jan31-4

Big Hook

Typically, on heavy trail days, right before the sun sets a long trail will come from the east to the west horizon, then make a “hook”, usually to the left. This hook can also be found in Bayou Panorama. Do you notice the ominous dark cloud to the right? This later becomes The Black Bar.
